“I remember when this garden did not look like this. It was all grass here. I remember digging the boxes in the hot sun. We had a tiny shovel. Me and my friend we dug it all up. It took a couple of months.”
But the work of the garden is not just about the labour of running the space. Executive Director Marcie Pontes says, “[o]ur success is because it’s not just a garden; it’s outdoor community space. It’s about the gap – these high rise buildings and then these residential communities with middle-class families in behind. For me that’s really critical – building community, building friendships.” As one of their community development initiatives, Working Women Community Centre has done an incredible job responding to the needs of the gardeners while taking a backseat. “We support things, we don’t want to take over the world. Whatever needs to get done we just do what needs to make it happen.”
A perfect example of this is the way WWCC responded to the problem of garbage in the garden when it became an issue a few years back. “People were throwing garbage everywhere. And the church was getting angry, they were getting charged for garbage removal … We were getting really panicked about it, having staff meetings. And then my friend said, ‘They don’t care about gardening or the environment, it’s all about status. They have access to a bit of land. They get to boss around their nieces and nephews … and in our country, picking up garbage is a very low status job’. The more we told them not to throw garbage … they just did it more. It was getting really bad. So I was writing a New Horizons grant, and so we wrote a grant to capitalize on the status thing. The Stewardship Program. You had to apply, get training by the City of Toronto. Ten seniors started and eight finished. They got special ID cards, and they got to train young people, and be teachers, and that’s a high status job. We learned a lot from that: how we had to respect where they are coming from, what they know.”