“I come here to breathe new air, to become happy, to have entertainment. When I’m sad at home I come out to the garden. When it’s not Ramadan we bring tea and share it with everyone.”
The city forgets that
The Oriole Community Garden is a vibrant and much-needed public space. Located at the south end of “the Peanut,” near Don Mills and Sheppard Avenue East, this
garden has 127 plots and provides food for approximately 700 people in the summer months. Most of the gardeners here are recent newcomers to Canada. They value the garden as a space to meet neighbours, grow their own fresh herbs and vegetables, and socialize. Children join in free afternoon programming here every weekday in July and August. Seniors leave their apartments and come to stretch their legs and breathe fresh air. The Oriole Community Garden
operates on a budget of less than $20 000 per year, with funds from the City of Toronto Food Security Investment Program and the United Way, and with donated space and support from the Advent Lutheran Church. Dedicated staff and volunteers from Working Women Community Centre
work hard to run the garden on this slim budget. On September 18th of 2015 the DEPARTMENT
unveiled a celebratory
sign to honour this vital public space.
The Oriole Community Garden has a history rooted in community organizing by and for immigrant women. How would the newcomer experience in Toronto improve if we invested more in spaces like this?
Memory Archive View the Sign